Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bonsai Learning: Yamadori

What is yamadori? 

(1) Yamadori is a term used by the Japanese to describe trees collected from the wild. (From 

(2) One of many ways to begin creating bonsai tree. (From

Let's all learn about yamadori, but please pardon the drawing. 

The yamadori material is a curved hotdog but is not ideal for cascade, and only either formal upright, informal upright, or slanting styles are the most feasible. The trunk however lacks the taper that is ideal for a bonsai. How then, will we be able to make something out of it?

Read on.

Taper at the bottom is given. No chance of being a cascade bonsai without a drastic trunk-chop and years of waiting. The dotted lines is where I would cut them, depending on the tree (or my mood).

When planted, the bigger roots will be exposed after some time providing a good nebari. The lines represent the shoots/branches that might possibly come out. The trunk is still not tapered.

Following the 1-2-3 sequence, branch #1 becomes the 1st branch, #6 as the right branch, and 5 as the continuation of the trunk where the branch #3 will be (hopefully) taken to complete the sequence. Apex follows.

Here, the branching is acquired but still the untapered trunk is visible. With enough patience and lots of waiting though, the 3 main branches might reach at least 1/3 of the girth for proportion. You can then have a finished bonsai.

In this figure though, #8 becomes the 1st branch, #2 as the 2nd, #6 as the back branch coming from either left or right, and #5 becomes the continuation of the trunk, therefore growing the apex.

Here's why.
- trunk is not tapered in figure 1 but with this, trunk becomes tapered as the Green part have been removed allowing taper for the 1st branch.
- here, the tree is a formal upright bonsai
- Option: tree can be carved further down (Yellow) to make it look like a twin-trunk bonsai

Should there be any additional feedback or if there are any corrections, I would love to read it, comment below.


PS. The above mentioned is most suitable for hardwoods, or those that calluses if softwood.

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