Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bonsai Learning: Marcotting

Neglected air-layered/marcotted material for almost 8 months. See how the roots got stunted where the tie was creating deformed base (left image). Rocks were inserted inside to keep the wide base as the roots grow and thicken. Materials are now planted on top of a broken tile to force the roots to grow outward.

The marcotted branch is almost 2 years old. The mother plant came from another marcotted branch about 1cm thick.

- Choose the branches near a secondary branch to marcot so that you'll be assured of a thick 1st branch
- Powder puff grows fast and if you let the pot sit on top of the soil, roots will be growing outwards in a couple of months only
- There are 2 types of Powder puff. 1 has leaves similar to a tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and the other looks like a kamatchile (Pithecellobium dulce). The one featured is the 1st type.

Common name: Powder puff (red)
Scientific name: Calliandra schultzei


Mats: Creeping juniper

A gift from a new friend and enthusiast.

Next workshop is set after 1 year when new branches are expected to have grown longer to fill-up the void.

Cn: Creeping juniper
Sn: Juniperus procumbens nana


